Friday, July 26, 2013

OASD Sick Leave Policy To Cover a Sick Child

Blog Post looking at OASD Sick Leave Policy To Cover a Sick Child

In the Employee Handbook, the District states: "Sick leave may be used to attend to personal illness or illness of a family member."

In the case of our district, the district recognizes that oftentimes staff do not take any sick days even though they, themselves, may be ill. The district has shared data that shows staff members, on average, use only 2-3 sick days per year, even though most staff members have 90 sick days available.

As a principal, I need to approach the situation discussed in class as both a human being and a manager. As a human being, I need to know and understand my staff. If that staff member is a new grandparent, they may feel a strong pull to help not just their child but also their grandchild. Given that understanding, I would look at the request to use a sick day much the same as a request to use a sick day to be present for the birth of that grandchild. In doing so, staff will know that I care about them and understand that sometimes life happens and we need to acknowledge that staff may not be "present" even though they are physically present in the classroom.

As a manager, I understand that the single most important factor in the success of students in the classroom. As such, I need to make sure I help staff understand the impact their presence in the classroom has on students. I think it is important, as a principal, to understand the available options for staff. If the district offers sick days and personal days, I would recommend that they use a personal day beyond the first day. All of this would happen after consulting with our HR director; I want to support my staff member, but I also want to follow district policy.

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